P R O O F S Your online gallery is private, needing a passcode to enter. You can share your gallery with others. After your initial order during your reveal & ordering appointment, proofs are published online for 48 hours {60 days for weddings}. After the allotted days, your proofs are removed from the site and are archived unless the Extending Fee is paid prior to the expiration date.
* Keep in mind each gallery has ONE cart so every time you leave your gallery your cart will clear.
* Coloring of images in this gallery are going to be different than printing. We are calibrated to our professional print lab. We can not control the coloring you see on your private devices.
* If you run in to issues logging in . . .
1.) Check to make sure your pop-up blocker is off.
2.) The proofing cart was designed to be viewed at a a resolution over 1024x768 so please check your resolution.
E X T E N D I N G F E E $10: Extends your album for an additional 7 days.
A R C H I V A L R E T R I E V A L F E E $50 : Retrieves proofs from archives for republishing and/or ordering. {We archive each session after a year.}